Friday, October 26, 2007

[Burning Wheel] Celestine Patriarch - as yet unamed religious leader

Celestine Patriarch
Elven Patriarch
history: Citadel born, Student, Song Singer, Adjutant, Spouse, Patriarch

- Only by bringing the flock back into the fold can we end contact with the humans and regain our former glory.

- The Celesine Patriarchy must ensure that the Corona remains a distant and lofty ideal lest we lose perspective on our better selves.

- The further the peolpe are from Heaven's Tower the easier it is to see the Corona. I will see to it that the decisions that map our fate are made by those people who see it more clearly in hopes that the Celestine Patriarchy may soon replace the Citadel's need for the Steward.

- When approached by an elf always extend the hem of my vestments
- Get help (circles test) before participating in any challenge where victory is not assured.
- On each holy day he personally sings the Lyric of Law to the populace.

Organized (character)
Patient (character)
Perfect Pitch (call-on for singing and musical instruments)

Will 2, Perception W4, Agility 5, Speed 4, Power 4, Forte 4

Refelxes 4, Steel 2, hesitation 8, Health 5, Grief 1

exp 6 - Lyric of Law W6, Lament of the Stars 6, Rhyme of Rules 6
exp 4 - Elven Script W4, Doctrine W4, Song of Soothing 4
exp 3 - Sing 3
exp 2 - Ballad of History W2, Song of the Citadel W2, Administration W2, Etharch-wise W2,Citadel-wise W2, Protector-wise W2, Etiquette 2, Song of Feasting 2, Suasion 2
exp 1 - Oratory 1, Song of Songs 1, Homesong 1, Lyric of Healing 1, Dignity of the Wilderlands 1

Resource 0

Quilted Eleven armor
Elven Finery

Circles 1
High Patriarch +2D
Affiliation with the Celestine Patriarchy +2D

nuncio in the wilderlands
rival patriarch

Fate 2
Persona 1
Deeds 0

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Monday, October 8, 2007

[GODLIKE] The Angel Sisters - Morgan Switter

Morgan Switter
Age: 25
Nationality: British

Relationships: The sisters were all orphaned at a very young age. Morgan was the only one who really met their parents. Their mother died at child-birth having Claudine. Their father, a freightening man with a singular presence, delivered them to the orphanage when Claudine was just an infint in Morgan's arms. Morgan's name was changed through marraige. Her husband is a sweet, supportive man that stays home with their two children while Morgan persues her career as an "entertainer."

Motivations: Morgan and her sisters are entertainers for the USO. They use their access within the Allied ranks as a cover their activities as secret operatives for the British Governent. Morgan is the only one that believes they need to do more. She is the true hero among them and is the most austentatious about the use of her powers. Beatrice often lectures her about the importance of being discrete. "By then," Morgan counters, "the war will have passed us by."

Body 3, Coordination 1, Sense 2, Brains 2, Command 1, Cool 3

Run 4
Brawling 3, Endurance 3
Perform 2, Mechanics 2, Dodge 2, Hearing 2, Mental Stability 2

Talents (30 pts)
Superspeed (running) 2hd (interfere) = 4
Heavy Armor (hardened) = 14
Hyperbody 1wd = 10
Hyperskill (Brawling) 2d = 2


[GODLIKE] The Angel Sisters - Claudine Angel

Claudine Angel
Age: 20
Nationality: British

Relationships: The sisters were all orphaned at a very young age. Claudine tends to be optimistic and a little naive, a quality she quickly begins to grow out of the more she sees in her "episodes." Claudine is shy and a little awkward thus she hasn't presented herself with the options for dating. Claudine alone has seen the greatest threat in this war and that is their own father, an occultist/hyperbrained Ubermenchen. She does not know how or when to tell the others of their father's villainy. Claudine also believes that she killed her own mother in child-birth. She is definately coddled by her older sisters.

Motivations: Claudine and her sisters are entertainers for the USO. They use their access within the Allied ranks as a cover their activities as secret operatives for the British Governent. Claudine is intent on countering the ills her father has no doubt wrought in this conflict.

Body 1, Coordination 2, Sense 3, Brains 3, Command 2, Cool 1

Sight 4
Rifle 3, Dodge 3
Perform 2, Education 2, First Aid 2, Tactics 2, Mental Stability 2

Talents (30 pts)
Precognition 3hd (mothering, dreams, interfere) = 6
Alert 3hd (uncontrollable, interfere) = 6
Detect Nazi 3hd (uncontrollable, specific) = 6
Hypersense 1wd = 10
Hyperskill (Sight) 2d = 2


[GODLIKE] The Angel Sister - Beatrice Angel

Beatrice Angel
Age: 23
Nationality: British

Relationships: The sisters were all orphaned at a very young age. Beatrice has been in and out of relationships throughout her young life. "Lucky in life, unlucky in love" she always says.

Motivations: Beatrice and her sisters are entertainers for the USO. They use their access within the Allied ranks as a cover their activities as secret operatives for the British Governent. Beatrice is very afraid of other talents and avoids contact with them at all costs, although she would face off against another talent if her youngest sister, Claudine, could escape instead. The groups secrecy is paramount to Beatrice.

Body 2, Coordination 3, Sense 1, Brains 1, Command 3, Cool 2

Mental Stability 4
Seduction 3, Pistol 3
Athletics 2, Health 2, Dodge 2, Stealth 2, Perform 2

Talents (30 pts)
Jinx 2hd (interfere, unconscious, blanket) = 14
Aces 2d (insanely lucky, force of will, sisters only, interfere) = 10
Hypercool 2wd (interfere) = 4
Hyperskill (Mental Stabiltiy) 2d = 2


[The Prince's Kingdom] Ghet'ee

Ghet'ee or the little prince
10 years old

Strong Qualities (2) d6
Doen't miss anything around him

Troublesome Qualities (3) d4
brown eyes
demon bound left arm

Strong Relationships (1) d6
Hubut - your proud, black Arabian

Troublesome relationships (2) d4
You are only the little prince

d6 Cloak - The cloak is unassuming and made of a sturdy camel hair weave. The inside is adorned with the seal of the King.
d6 Jambaya - This fine curved blade reminds others that the justice of the king is swift and sure.


[Prince's Kingdom] Al'Jonuur

Al'Jonuur or the big prince
7 years old

Strong qualities d6
Command the Wind
Green Eyes
Infectous laughter
Summon Sand Eunuchs

Troublesome qualities d4

Strong Relationships d6
The Golden All Father (Sun)
Loved by the People

Troublesome Relationships d4
The People Fear his Father
The Desert Djinn are jealous of his power

d8 Cloak - This is a blue cloak with god writing that reminds others of his lineage
d8 The Flying Carpet - sewn in rich and complicated hues to transport JUST the prince. It will lose it's ability to fly if it is unwound


[Burning Wheel] The Steward of the Citadel

The Steward
Elven Steward
history: born Wilder, Student, Spouse, Patriarch, Soldier-protector, Steward

- Although I must secure the lands encircling the citadel I will not allow the deaths of those who do not take up arms.

- By doing my duty as Steward of my domain and providing safety and sustanence belief in the trappings of religion will dwindle as the need for it dies.

- Bolstering its ranks by conscripting the Wildings the army of elves will expand elvish influence to swallow whole the realm of man and end their selfish and chaotic ways.

- Protect those who seek it
- Always exploit loopholes
- Always omit all but neccessary info

Darling of the Court (character)
Cool-headed (die; reduce hesitation against surprise)

Will G6, Perception 4, Agility 64 Speed 5, Power 4, Forte 3

Refelxes 5, Steel G3, hesitation 4, Health 2, Grief 3

exp 6 - Sword 6, Estate management 6, Estate-wise 6
exp 5 - Command G5
exp 3 - Sing G3, Song of Soothing G3, Homesong G3, Alarm G3, Lyric of Healing G3, Lyric of Law 3, Etiquette 3, Dignity of the Wilderlands 3, Shield 3, Knives 3, Bow 3

Resource 1

Circles G3
Son of a murderer +1d
Steward of the Abyssal Cascade +2d

Lord of Arbors - rival
Eldest Daughter of the Etharch - forbidden love
Major Domo (cousin)

Fate 0
Persona 1
Deeds 0

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[Burning Wheel] Elrond Helyanwe

Elrond Helyanwe
Elfen Sword Singer
6 lifepaths

- The only way to unify our splintered society is by rediscovering the secrets of the Throne of Selene, it's mysteries hidden by the Loremaster, Aranel.

- Man has somehow redicovered it's purity through it's mortality. If we can find that which separates us from death we can lift this ancient curse of agelessness.

- Noble hearts dwindle in the growing grief of the elven nobility. Only by teaching the ways of the sword singers to every worthy elf can I build a school strong with the number of the stars and rekindle the flame that once shone bright.

- Never stand down to a challenge
- Children must always be told the truth
- body and sword is always kept clean

Stoic, organized, Eagle Eye
Etharchal, Lesson of One, Sword of the White Tower

Will 5, Perception 6, Agility G6, Speed 4, Power 3, Forte 3

Reflexes 5, Steel G4, hesitation 5, Health 6, Grief 5

exp 6 - Sword G6, Bow G6, Song of the Sword 6
exp 3 - Brawling G3, Shield G3, Sleight of Hand G3, Elven Script 3, Sing 3, Rising 3, Mounted Combat 3, mending 3, hunting 3

Alarm 3, Paen of Deeds 3, Song of Bonding 3, Code of Citadels 3, Recitation of Ages 3

Resource 1

Circle 2
Etharchy +1d
Hero and Protector of the Citadel +2d
Affiliation with the Sword Singer's School +1d
Affiliation with the Etharchy +1d

Barnabaas - human chief

Elven sword
Elven Steed (Gwindor)
Elven Chainmail
Traveling gear
Elven clothes
Elven shoes

Fate 1
personal 1
Deeds 0

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