Tuesday, July 31, 2007

[Faery's Tale] Mandrake, fierce pixie


Body 3, Mind 2, Spirit 4 (Essence 8)

Pixie Dust, Flying, Whirlwind Strike, Strong, Magical



Monday, July 30, 2007

[Star Wars SAGA] Akutwa, Ewok Jedi

Okay, so what situation do you need with an Ewok Jedi. Instant cool, right? *sigh* A young Ewok was being raised to take on the role of tribal shaman. Outsiders visited his people and they raised a great Ewok army against those that would burn down the forest and erect twisted towers of metal. After they caused the sky to alight and sent away the white giants he was inspired to wanderlust. He was driven to see the stars up close. His talents attracted more outsiders and they said that there was a place he belonged to use his abilities to protect his planet from afar. Akutwa did not fit into the burgeoning Jedi academy well. He suffered from severe culture clash with his new masters and he had an aggresive streak that concerned those around him. He also was not terribly motivated to learn other languages or skills. They were at their wits end. But once they put a lightsaber in his paws it all clicked into place.

Akutwa 1st level Ewok Jedi

Tribal Responsibility (1 Destiny Point)
Akutwa needs to embrace his native upbringing and stop trying to run from it. Everything and everyone around him tells him that he needs to adopt the culture of the spacefarers. They want him to learn their language, conform to their manners and mores and to care about something beyond the scope of his tribe. Akutwa is being reared for a greater purpose - to be a spiritual leader to his tribe and to bring them through the difficulties of his homeworld's new place in the galaxy. To do so he has to stop running from his tribal nature and begin finding ways that his anscestory can help him in his fight against the dark side.

Destiny Bonus - For 24 hours you and your Ewok allies gain a +2 destiny bonus on Diplomatic and spiritual (Force) rolls.

Destiny Penalty - For 24 hours you take a -2 penalty on a Diplomatic and Spiritual rolls.

Destiny Fulfilled - Increase Wisdom and Charisma by +2.

Str 8, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 11 Cha 8

Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +1

Hit Points 35, Damage Threshold 1, Speed 4, Initiative 5, Force Points 5

Acrobatics, Use the Force

Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons), Acrobat Strike

Elusive Target


Saturday, July 28, 2007

[Mortal Coil] Little Spells

Theme Document
Game Name:
Tone: Gritty Survival
Setting: A cottage in rural Scotland. The mice are sentient and subtely magical and must find ways to help themselves and the humans they live with.
The Supernatural: The characters' great grandfather was effected by a spell cast within the home years ago by one of it's human inhabitants. The mice that have studied under him bend the natural laws through complicated rituals requiring much time, energy and paraphenalia that the mice must accquire from the far reaches of the cottage.
Magic Level: Low
Situation: The family has fallen on hard times and the mice must find a way to help the humans so that they in turn can survive.
Villains: All of the animals in the cottage and it's surrounds have been effected in some way but only the mice have the moral fiber and resourcefulness to act directly for the family. Some animals will be actively working against the mice for their own purposes. Additionally, the cottage is in constant threat from developers wanting to buy the land and scattering the little mouse family to the winds.

Characters to play: Mother, Father, 20 children

Felix (one of the youngest) Novice
- I must find out which human cast that spell (2)
- I pray my secret friend, Angus (the youngest human in the house), gets into a good school (1)
- Collect tears from Mom for father's ritual of healing (2)

Faculties (10)
Force 1, Grace 4, Wits 3, Will 2

Aptitudes (7)
Hidey holes (2), Soothing Platitudes (2), Master of Chalk (3)

Action Pool 6, Passion Pool 3, Power Pool 3, Magic Pool 5


[Call of Cthulhu] Modern Photo-journalist

Name: Nora Lasgow

Nora lived life as an army brat and travelled much of the world when she was young. She went to college on an army scholarship and the day she graduated her father retired from the military.

Nora knew that her career could be kick started by being a field journalist during hot conflicts and she had the experience to pull it off. She could handle the gore and drama of modern military conflict but that never prepared her for what the camera would show her now. Ever since that night she caught a handful of extremists on camera during some sort of ritual - the one where they would eviscerate the American GI and feed on his entrails - her camera picked up strange forms, usually shadows, amidst the scenes where she had not remembered a form there before. Over time, batch after batch was ruined with these smudges of dark and smoke. They got closer and closer. She believes one whispered to her. Then she woke up 4000 miles away in an airport six days later and no memory of the trip...

STR 8, Con 11, Pow 13, Dex 10, App 13, Siz 15, Int 16, Edu 17
Idea 80%, Luck 65%, Know 85%
Damage +0, Hit Points 13, Magic Points 13

23 year old Photo-journalist (income (7) $100,000)

Skills (above starting)
Fast Talk 45%, History 60%, Library Use 99%, English 66%, Arabic 60%, Latin 40%, Persuade 55%, Photography 60%, Psychology 45%, Geneology 40%


[Don't Rest Your Head] Tell Me it's Okay

My Name is ... Darrin Green
And I am ... out of control

What's been keeping me awake?
Pain. I have replaced drugs and alcohol with extreme body modifications and against my doctor's wishes have found myself in a position where they keep me awake with discomfort and bone grinding agony. I felt I needed this to remind me of my past and to drive me toward a future where I am in control of myself.

What's on the surface?
Parent's cross the street with their children when I am seen walking on the same side of the walkway. I avoid airports... not because I dislike flying but because it takes me hours to get through security. I have 216 piercings - loops, chains, rods, spikes and the like. I have three screws in my bald head and twenty-two tattoos. I am what mothers point to when warning their children what they want to avoid. "How could he ever get a job?" they say. I wear little over my lithe form but when I do it's baggy and usually black. I have a collection of t-shirts with anti-drug slogans that I have gathered at meetings and on ebay over the years.

What lies beneath?
Under a powerful and hardened exterior lies a scared little boy. One of stubborn determination but scared, none-the-less. I betrayed the ones I loved once in a drug induced haze. That was not the first time but it was the proverbial straw. Now I fear that the same drive that led down a users life, that feeling of sleeping through life and not experiencing it, will take hold of my heart once again. So instead of uphoria I embrace a life of pain.

What is your path?
Fiercely independant, I seek to control my destiny and pray I can find redemption for the sins against my family and friends.

What just happened to you?
I have heard ceaking and snapping coming from my closet now for several nights. It was always just as the pain killers wore off and one spike or rod got pushed the wrong way. Lying here trying to think of other things I heard them again. I went to the closet door and opened it. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. There was a room the size of a small gymnasium. The ceiling was in darkness and hundreds of orange and red cords descended from the black, held taught by the weight of twenty or thirty bodies. Each body was curled up or slumped over, dangling some five or six feet in the air. As I wandered about I could hear the zip of a line and saw that one of the bodies lowered inches above the laquered floor right in front of my open closet door. In fluid motion it unfolded itself and gently touched down. It slammed the door shut and looked over it's shoulder at me. It's eyes were stapled open wide and hooks kept it's mouth in a permanent maddeningly wide smile...

Discipline 3

Responses 3 fight

Exhaustion Talent
Bring on the Pain - Adrenaline and focus allows me relief from the constant stress my body is under. Fighting brings on that adrenaline and thus I find myself facing challenges with my fists. I use my modifications in gruesome ways when someone pushes me.

Madness Talent
I'm Not Me - Darrin can make copies of himself. During moments when he is feeling the most out of control another version splits from him taking on perspectives based on the situation that caused him to spawn. These copies are identical in nearly every way save the Madness Talent. There are minor psychological differences and are born from his control issues. If need be Darrin can touch one of his duplicates and absord him taking in it's knowledge and expeirences as if they were his own. Otherwise there is just another Darrin Green wandering the streets doing Lord-knows-what.


Friday, July 27, 2007

[Whispering Vault] The Detective

Allister Gobbury was a detective in Scotland Yard during the dreadfully hot summer of 1888. He was never involved in the sorted affairs of Whitechapel but spent his days followed by a brutal bobbie keeping the peace in all the pissholes in London. Allister had a lust for tidiness and in his career he was confounded by too many niggling questions that had gone unanswered. He pressed them and uncovered that which man was not to see. When it was obvious the mortal was not going to go away and was not so easily killed the Powers sent a Circle to confront him. Through a series of murders in his district they tested him and when he revealed them for what they were he was indoctrinated into their Circle.

Now Goburry plies the ether as the Stalker known only as The Detective. On most vessels he is actually just a large broach with the squat face of a man. His keys dangle like an ornament beneath and eight tendrils ending in eyes and barbs are sunk deep within the vessel's flesh holding him tight to it's chest. The Detective's domain is a massive Go board leading on as far as the eyes can see. Two giant mandarin are constantly playing and Allister can be found amidst the pieces sipping bloody tea and reading the annuls of history displayed as some taudry daily.

Five Keys
Confidence, Persistance, Addict (found his mother turning trix in an opium den), Fastidiousness, Compassion

Avatar Attributes
Awareness 6, Insight 8, Presence 4, Willpower 4

Conjure, Mastered Dominate, Whisper, Mastered Foresight

Mastered Trackers, Mastered Ferretters

Vessel Attributes (usually)
Dexterity 3, Fortitude 5, Strength 5

Primary Skills

Deduction +6, Intimidate +6, Sensitivity +6

Secondary Skills
Perception +4, Defend +4, Charm +4, Mask +4, History +4, Stealth +2, Evoke +2, Banish +2

Focus Skills

Tobacco, Etiquette, Interrogation

Vitality 8, Karma 5


[Heroes Banner] Family Fueds

Filip Andreas San Mara

Hero Influence (33)
Dona Antonia Jacinta San Mara (my grandmother) has held the family together for generations. She has consolidated our power by securing the waterways between the provinces. My goal is to marry the daughter of Venezia in order to make claim to their resources.

Blood Influence (33)
My father, Galva deTheramini worships at the foot of God and believs that earthly power is irrelevent. He and the family wants me to join the church as all deTheramini men have.

Conscience (34)
Sister Jessica Maria deTheramini hides behind the cloth to explore her own pleasures through a quasi-mystical sex cult. Niether the church nor my grandmother can possibly hold my heart while she holds my body but I must find a way I can keep both.

Paulo delaCruz is my enemy
Emilio Vasquez is my friend
Father Vincenzo SanMara is my brother

Calestro deSylva

Hero Influence (33)
I have everything that Kradrakov, Bishop of S'dorda, has written in my lust for knowledge. If I am to accomplish my goal of unlocking the mysticism from the church by discovering the secret name of God I must seek his council and tap his brilliance more directly.

Blood Influence (34)
My father shows signs of weakening after this long winter. Our family will falter if the patriarchy is not maintained so I must convince my elder brother, Cyrano deSylva, to take his proper place in the family lest I am forced to abandon my studies and rule in his stead.

Conscience Influence (33)
Sister Jessica deTheremini has my sister enthralled in some sort of church cult. I must reveal the intentions of it's leaders, sqwashing the superstitious drivel that ties these people to Sister Jessica so that I can free my sister, Marta.

Marta deSylva is my sister and a cultist
Sister Elizabeta is a friend and helps me get a step closer to studying with Kradrakov.
Sister Jessica Maria deTheremini is my enemy

Aurelia Miranda delaCruz

Hero Influence (33)
The hot blood of the deSylva family flows through my veins. My uncle is Cyrano deSylva, or as the villagers call him, the murderer of SanPaulo. As sherif his justice is harsh and swift. I must curb my tendancies to lash out lest I become more like him.

Blood Influence (34)
My father, Paulo delaCruz, has had a difficult time under the San Mara matriarchy. All he can hope for is a strong political tie to strengthen our place in the world. My marriage to a noble son of Boldavia would help elevate his standing.

Conscience Influence (33)
They poured from the trees releasing me and my entourage from our captors. That night, over the fire, their leader, Stephen Valkenburg, displayed a spark of hope and freedom that touched my soul. He inspires me to hope for my own family's release from the San Mara strangehold.

Brother Emil is my friend. He is an illuminator in Kradakrov's monastery.
Dona Antonia Jacinta San Mara is my enemy as she crushes the life from my family.
Marta deSilva is a cultist and my aunt.

Countess Felicia Nocturn of Wyvernstrad

Hero Influence (33)
Our myths speak of Baneslayer, a beacon against the dark forces of this world. Through the legends of Lord Remus Wolfsbane, the first weilder of Baneslayer, I am driven to retrieve the great sword and confront my father. I will need it if my father is as sinister as I suspect.

Blood Influence (34)
As the Boldavian saying goes "the blood of the people belongs to it's leaders." But I hope to show them that Count Davian Nocturn, my father, is no monster and restore the family name.

Conscience Influence (33)
The people need a beacon of hope. Stephen Valkenburg's bravery and confidence will bring it to them. I pray I can convince my love that my intentions are true.

Radu Nocturn is my brother and is to be married to my new friend, Aurelia
Jessica Maria deTheremini is a long time friend of mine and her Aurelia's uncle, Calestro reads me her letters.
Sister Elizabeta is my enemy.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

[Contenders] Ducat - The Brutal Son

I loved the idea of Contenders as Roman Gladiators. So here is mine.

Who is your Contender?Ducat is a 2nd generation gladiator.
Where does he come from?His father travelled the Roman Empire always leaving the gladiator pits bloodied and their victor.
Why does he fight?Believing that the best way to get to know someone is to face then in combat Ducat hopes to meet his father in the Arena.
What kind of man is he?Ducat is a deserate and brutal young man who lives between the legacy his father has left him and the life his mother wishes he could lead.

ConnectionSurprisingly his African mother and he write each other despite both their low stations. He hopes to bring her to Rome and buy her a house there. He worries that her hard life and what her son does with his life weighs too heavy on her heart.

Beginning Stats
Hope 1, Pain 2, Cash 1, Rep 2

In-Ring Style
Technique 3, Power 4, Cover 1, Conditioning 2


[Ganakagok] For the Heart of Pulinuk

Our play group has this neat thing where we have a reoccuring character in all of our games. In our first game her name was Pauline. We're drawn to include her story to story whenever we need a characters vying over the attention of a girl.

Despite not adding Pulinuk to any of our Loves or Hates she still got thrown into the mix and Tantaraq's son was infatuated with her and she was married to Akuqanak. Our most exciting scenes always included her. Here are the characters from that game.

Identity: Amorcentric Shaman
Truth-Vision: Gilagaq (16) Celebrate, hunger will end, music will come from the sky, warmth without flame.
Change-Hope: Pinnarak (16) War for food resources will end, we will be able to produce our own food and share with those that need it.
Change-Fear: Ganaku (7) Selfishness and greed over the new wealth will make great wars and make outsiders make war on us for our lands.

Good Medicine: 16 Bad Medicine: 7

Body 2, Face 2, Mind 3, Soul 3

Goods (2) - Medicine Bundle 1, Bear's Feet 1
Love (3) - Semu (Polar Bear) 2, Wives 1
Lore (2) - Bear Tongue 1, The Sun's Path 1
Mana (3) - Ancient Ones (Goods)

Scars (2) - Dead Left hand 2
Hate (4) - Aak (jealous rival) 4
Fear (2) - Kenu (Ice Spider of the Sea) 2
Sins (2) - Left village during a fever outbreak 2

Identity: Revered Elder
Truth-Vision: Sippa (8) - Abandon our old ways as we come in contact with travelelrs from beyond the sea.
Change-Hope: Qisik Otaka (8) - Our tribe will share with the Outsiders and forge a new way for our children.
Change-Fear: Novaytok (14) - That through a violent struggle the Outsiders will oppress us.

Good Medicine: 8 Bad Medicine: 14

Body 2, Face 3, Mind 3, Soul 2

Goods (2) - majestic Elk Headress 2
Love (3) - Karotoa (warrior son) 3
Lore (3) - Rituals of the Ancestors 1, Ways of the Outsiders 2
Mana (2) - Ancestors (Goods)

Scars (2) - Limp 2
Hate (3) - Young of our tribe 3
Fear (3) - Narwals 1, My wife's ghost 2
Sins (2) - Slew the tribe elder for power 2

Identity: Curious Artisan
(2) We will see each other in a new way.
Change-Hope: (2) In light will come knowledge.
Change-Fear: (5) We will learn nothing new.

Good Medicine: 2 Bad Medicine: 5

Body 3, Face 2, Mind 2, Soul 3

Goods (2) - Spear of the Deep One 1, Sea Scribe Brush 1
Love (3) - Paintings 1, Kabakuk (White Wolf Lover) 1
Lore (2) - Ice Caves of Dreaming 1, Pale Ones' Hunting Pool 1, Ivory graveyard 1
Mana (2) - Stars (Love)

Scars (0) - none
Hate (4) - Nagamesh (Kabkabuk's jealous mate) 3, Mom 1
Fear (3) - Remshak (Ice Demon of the Crystal Caves) 2, Torobortu 1
Sins (3) - Took the tribe's food to feed kabkabuk 3


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

[Burning Empires] The General

The General is the Figure of Note for the Invasion phase of my MezoMecca convention campaign. We're in Infiltration right now but the characters are deveoping nicely. I will add the important bits ASAP as I look over notes from the past games.

Name: Achcauhtli
The General

Urfan, Born to Rule, Caeptir, Court Armiger, Lord-Pilot Anvil, Court Lord, Anvil Lord



Anvil Lord, Corvus and Crucius, Wigged, Anvil-trained, Mark of Priviledge, Determined, Remote

Will 5, Perception 4, Agility 6, Speed 4, Power 3, Forte 4

Steel , Resources , Circles , hesitation , Tax , Mortal Wound

Affiliations and Reputations

exp 5 - Command, Etiquette, Tactics, Anvil-wise
exp 4 - Close Combat, Intimidation
exp 3 - Oratory, Squad-Support Weapons
exp 2 - Strategy, Falsehood, Conspicuous, Court-wise, Lord-wise, Scheme-wise, Persuassion



Story Games Made Me Do It

This thread on Story Games suggested that we create a character for each game we own. That's not going to happen. But I can start:

My first characters will be for my Burning Empires campaign, MezoMecca. The General is a human that fights with the Vaylen to destabilize the power of the Church of the Blood Gods. I will follow that with other games. Particularly the ones staring me in the face right now:

Star Wars SAGA - Akutwa, Ewok Jedi
Ganakagok - For the Heart of Pulinuk
Whispering Vault - The Detective
Best Friends
Beast Hunters
GODLIKE - The Angel Sisters
Wild Talents
Don't Rest Your Head - Tell Me it's Okay
Dogs in the Vineyard
Weapon of the Gods
Contenders - Ducat, the Brutal Son
The Mountain Witch
Heroes Banner - Family Fueds
With Great Power...
The Spirit of the Century (Dictionaru of Mu)
Burning Wheel - Elven Family Drama
Artesia: Adentures in the Known World
Transhuman Space (GURPS)
Call of Cthulhu - Modern Photo-journalist
Sorcerer (Dictionary of Mu)
Nine Worlds
Mortal Coil - Little Spells
My Life WIth Master
The Shadow of Yesterday
Primetime Adventures
The Prince's Kingdom - Two Princes, an Arabian Tale
Gear Krieg
The Sorcerer of Zo
Fairy Tales - mandrake, fierce pixie
The Authority
Delta Green
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5ed (Accordlands)
Fantasy Imperium
Legend of the Five Rings

I will be adding games as I go and this post will be editted and linked as I complete characters. In time my hope is that I will create a database for them.
